Saddle Fitting Resources

horse rider on brown horse jumping over bars


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knowledge gained

Welcome to our blog, where equestrian insights and valuable articles come together. Explore a collection of posts that offer a wealth of knowledge, covering saddle fitting tips, equine care, and industry insights.

Whether you're a seasoned rider or new to the world of equestrianism, our blog is here to inspire and inform, helping you elevate your riding experience.


From the Blog

Lets talk about Gullet Widths

Traditionally Gullets were always a fixed part of the saddle, but with modernisation, or innovation, we frequently have the ability to adjust our gullets ourselves as our horses change shape.Read more

Leather types explained

For most people, choosing the type of leather for your saddle will depend on your discipline, if weight matters, how long you spend in the saddle, where you ride, what type of longevity you want, andRead more

Why do we need Saddle Fitters?

I'm fortunate enough to work with a big team of fitters around the country, some are SMS qualified, some are training under SMS and some are qualified under different fitting training providers, but Read more

Lets talk about Panel Shapes

Another often confusing concept in the world of saddles, is panel shapes. So why do we have different shaped panels? And why is it so complicated? Well this area of saddle fit alone has a few subRead more

Navigating Personal Finance for Horse Saddles and Accessories in New Zealand

As equestrians, we understand the profound bond between rider and horse. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a passionate newcomer, investing in quality saddles and accessories is essential for bothRead more

Saddle Fitting Technology

Saddle Fitting has been around as long as saddles have been used on horses. Surprised? Don't be, it wasn't really horse welfare that created the need for it, but because horses were used for warfare,Read more

FAQ's about the Tapestry Comfort Girth

With all girths it is so important that the girth isn't over-tightened. The elastic in our girth is meant to help the horse breathe and relax so it's paramount to not over-tighten it. We have a greatRead more

Lets talk about Topline

If you haven't worked with a saddle fitter before, you may think that we just focus on the saddle, but this isn't the case (life would be easier if it was). Previously we have talked about girthingRead more

Scharf - The Freedom Girth (Features Data Sheet)

The exclusive design of the Scharf Freedom Girth, was designed such that each part of it, work with a particular muscle of the chest without  interfering with the free functioning of other muscle.Read more

Correct Girth Fitting - A Key Issue for Overall Comfort of the Horse

There is a growing interest in the topic of anatomical bridles, bits, and girths, along with increased rider awareness of the importance of correct fit to meet the needs of both horse and rider. AndRead more

How does the Winderen Saddle Half Pad Work?

Horse riding is one of the few sports in which two living beings interact, and each movement of the one has a direct impact on the other. The pillars of this collaboration are mutual trust andRead more

Winderen Stirrups - Unrivaled Shock Absorption

Riding is a discipline that is primarily based on the cooperation of the horse and rider. The rider's legs play a key role in communication with the horse, as their stable and correct placement inRead more

A properly fitted saddle goes beyond aesthetics; it's about harmony, balance, and performance.


Saddle Fitting & Accessories

Schedule an appointment for an existing saddle check with our holistic fitter or explore new options.

"Try before you buy" on our research based accessories designed to optimise your ride.

We offer a range of saddles and accessories for you, your horse and your budget.


Discover your perfect fit

Embark on a journey towards saddle comfort and performance. Schedule a professional saddle fitting session with us and experience the harmony of a tailored fit for you and your equine partner.



Your saddle fitting queries answered

What brand of saddles do you fit?

Auckland Saddle Fit works with all brands of saddles. A saddle is assessed by the shape and size of it's tree and panel, and whether it can work for the shape of the horse and rider. Wool and Cair panels offer the more adjustability, but latex panels can be rebalanced with the use of shim pads.

How often should my saddle be fitted?

Society of Master Saddlers (SMS) recommend that as a 'gold standard' saddles should be fitted every 6 months.

Some combinations will need a fitting on a more regular basis (shared saddles between horses or heavy workloads), and others may only need annual checks. Auckland Saddle Fit recommends taking regular weight measurements around the girth area to check for weight/ muscle/ age/ work related changes, to help indicate when a fitting is due.

Why is a saddle fitting important?

A saddle fitting is similar to a car service. We want to address any small changes that could cause a problem, before they start. A well fitting saddle keeps the hard parts of the tree off the sensitive parts of the horse. It also keeps the riders weight kindly distributed throughout the tree and panel. When the balance changes, the saddle can start to move/rock and cause painful pressure points.

Saddle fittings are also used to pick out suitable saddle choices when you change your horse, or need a new (or new to you) saddle for an existing horse.

Don't forget, saddle fitting also incorporates how the rider fits in the saddle.

Can I share one saddle between two horses?

If the saddle is a suitable choice for both horses, then the answer is Yes. The widest horse is the one that must be fitted to, and then shim pads can be used to balance and fit the saddle to the second horse.

What is a good fit for the horse?

A good fit for the horse allows the tree and panels to distribute the riders weight in motion as kindly as possible, and protects the sensitive areas of the horses back.

What is a good fit for the rider?

A good fit for the rider keeps your body as still as possible to stay with the horses movement, and allows your joints to absorb shock without being damaged.


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